Local Map and Search Optimization

People are searching for local businesses.

Improve local prominence with local business citations.

Why is it important to have consistent, accurate, complete business information across business directories online? Google specifically says:

“Local results are based primarily on relevance, distance, and prominence. A combination of these factors helps us find the best match for your search. For example, our algorithms might decide that a business that’s farther away from your location is more likely to have what you’re looking for than a business that’s closer, and therefore rank it higher in local results.”

Voice Search Ready

A whopping 43% of people who own voice-activated devices shop using them. Optimize your listings for voice search with Google Assistant, Siri, Cortana, and Amazon Alexa.

Citation Management

Sync Google My Business profile data across 65+ sources, optimize listings for voice search, and push out NAP information to the top data aggregators.

Update all your locations’ business information where customers are searching for it.

72% of these consumers searching visit a business within 5 miles of their location.

Ready To Get Started?